Common sorrel, Rumex acetosa
The leaves can be a little bitter on their own, best to mix with other salad leaves.
Wood sorrel, Oxalis acetosella
The leaves are great in salads and fish. They have a sharp lemony flavour due to the low quantities of oxalic acid.
Navelwort (Pennywort), Umbilicus rupestris
Leaves are juice and delicious in salads or on sandwiches.
Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa
Messy-looking, dense, twiggy, spiny, spreading. Generally looks like a big bush rather than a tree. Can form impenetrable thickets. Can be surrounded by suckers. Hard to see any central trunk.
Water mint, Mentha aquatica
Grows between April and October. Usually found in marshes, meadows, damp woodland and by rivers and streams.
Common Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna
Hedgerow shrub or small tree. Can be multi-stemmed or with single trunk.