Ramsons, Allium ursinum

The leaves can be chopped and added to soups and stews, in pasta or risotto dishes. They can also be used to make pesto.

Dandelion, Taraxacum spp.

The leaves can be used in salads or cooked. You can use the flowers for dandelion wine or jelly and the roots can be roasted as a winter vegetable or dried to make a coffee.

Hairy bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta

A very similar taste to water cress. You can use it in sandwiches and salads. It’s not as bitter as it sounds. Works well with wild garlic in pestos and rice dishes.

Cleavers, Galium aparine

Stir fry young shoots and use them in salads or in place of asparagus

Unlocked Common mallow, Malva sylvestris

The leaves when picked young are very glutinous, they can be used in soup to thicken it. The roots can be boiled until thick and used to make marshmallows

Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata

You can use the leaves and flower bud shoots chipped up in salads and sauces. Goes great fried in a pan with sausages.